When I was a little girl, I always loved horses. How many of you had one of these steeds as a child?
This is a photo of me at four years old....just 43 years ago as of this Friday!!!
OMG, did I just tell you how young I am!!???
LOLDo you remember riding the mechanical horse at Ann & Hope for a dime?
Oh, a trip to that store, was never complete without a ride on that wonderful pony with the western saddle..... I remember it like it was just yesterday.

As I got older, I also remember how I would make jewelry, or seashell mirrors, or pet rock paperweights, and go around to all my neighbors, and ask them if they would like to buy something. So, I guess you would say that my
entrepreneurial skills go way back. It's just in my blood. I love people, and I love seeing them happy with their purchase. And some days, you may visit Brown & Hopkins, and not buy anything, and that is
OK too. We enjoy the visit with you.
The other day we had some very nice compliments........
A man said, "I just love coming into this store. It is such a stress reliever!".
A lady said, "In this day and age, customer service is everything, and I always feel so appreciated when I shop here.".
Another said,"This is my most favorite store in the whole wide world!"
And from a child, "This is the best store in the world!".
Comments like those make our day!
Thank You!
Oh, and one more thing......
Since my birthday is Friday,
We will be giving away gifts to
47 lucky winners!All you need to do is subscribe to receive automatic emails of our blog...
Just fill out the form in the upper left hand corner,
and don't forget to
activate it
by opening the email you receive,
and clicking on the link.
Only active subscribers
will have a chance to win!!!
Winners will be announced in a blog post
by 6pm on Friday!