Now that I am older, I appreciate history so much more....
When cleaning out Brown & Hopkins a few years back I came across this old inventory book from 1901......gosh, I finally took the time to actually read some of the pages, and it is so interesting!!! Next time you are in the shop, just ask for a personal viewing.....
Here are just a few pics of it.......
If you notice on the page marked "Barn", they noted that they had three horses,
and their names were Jim, Prince and Charlie ~ valued at $300
I am not sure if that is each or their combined value......
Want to read this inventory on photo to enlarge!
And when I read the page with all the different oils listed, it reminded me of a story that my Mom, Cecilia, once told to me......
When my mom was a little girl, she summered with a mean lady that used to make her work in the garden even on the hottest of days. She couldn't have been more than 7 years old. One day, my mom complained of a stomach ache so she could get out of working in the field......which kind of backfired. The old woman said "Oh, I have the perfect cure for a stomach ache. It is castor oil. However, if you drink this and do NOT have a stomach ache, it will make you very very sick." Needless to say, that scared my mom into a miraculous recovery.
Castor oil has been used medicinally for about 4,000 years; and, until recently, it was given regularly to children to "keep their systems clear". Because of its unpleasant taste, castor oil is a remembered bane of many a childhood.
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