An Important Message for Non-Profits!
Dear Non-Profit Organization:
It is with great excitement that Brown & Hopkins
announces new fund raising opportunities
for your organization!
It is called "Brown & Hopkins Gives Back!"
and will provide up to a $200 donation
per calendar year for your organization.
Here's how it works….
Someone from your organization
provides the proper documentation (letterhead, etc)
to us, in person, and we'll get you started!
Announce to your members/community
that you will be collecting
cash register receipts from Brown & Hopkins,
so that you may earn up to 5%
of the net amount before tax/coupons,
in the form of a cash contribution from
Brown & Hopkins Country Store.
In the event that some of your receipts
are from members who are also members
of our Key Tag Club,
those receipts will be counted at 1%,
rather than 5%.
By December 31st, please deliver
your collected receipts to Brown & Hopkins,
and a check will be sent to you by the end of January.
The program runs from January 1st thru December 31st.
Your organization may host
a Brown & Hopkins Fund Raising Event
for one evening. Your organization
will earn 15% of the evenings net total sales,
and a $25 gift certificate*
to be raffled off during your next fund raising event!
*Event must net $750 in order to qualify
for the gift certificate.
Dates are limited....book your party today!
Key Tags may not be punched during fund raising events.
You may join our
Brown & Hopkins Charity Coffee Club fundraiser….
where your organization earns 100%
of the proceeds from donations received
when folks enjoy a cup of coffee, tea,
or apple cider at Brown & Hopkins!
We hope you will take advantage of these opportunities.
We are proud to support non-profits,
particularly local ones!
Please stop in soon and get started!
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