Oh, how I have missed creating entries for this blog!!!!
Don't you just love Bumble Bee and Lady Bug?
They are two of the newest designs from folk artist, Lori Mitchell.
Lori was born and raised in Marietta, Georgia.
A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design,
Lori has always been inspired by children's themes and
literature, old illustrations and toys. Full of whimsy
and charm, her characters have won a place in the
hearts of folk art enthusiasts worldwide.
We have lots of collectors on the Brown & Hopkins Wish list
and call them whenever new pieces arrive.
Is there something that you like to collect?
Post a comment and tell us about your collections!!
This past week has been so crazy!
I am going to say one word.....DMV ~ and most Rhode Islanders
will know what I am referring to! For those of you who
do not know what DMV stands for, it is The Department of Motor Vehicles.
I recently moved to Connecticut,
and needed to apply for a new drivers license,
and register my vehicle in that state.
So, I was equipped with all the necessaries,
my birth certificate, my emissions certificate, my insurance,
my old registration, my old license, good hair for a new photo......
I thought I had it ALL!
But one never, ever, has it all when they go to the DMV.....
It appears that my birth certificate is no longer valid
after 40-something years......
So I went from Norwich, CT to Providence, RI (for a new birth certificate),
and back to Norwich, CT, all in the same day
in order to get this mayhem over and done with!
And I would have to say that the entire week went on just like that day,
lots of appointments, with unimaginable waiting room times,
lots and lots of deliveries (but that's a good thing : ),
with lots of furniture coming in....and when 5 pieces come in,
about 17 have to move to accommodate them!
Anyway, we are now settled, and it was a good way to do
a little spring cleaning with our Original Beeswax Furniture Polish.
I love this stuff!

Shown above is the polish on top of our new 8 foot table
in the second floor dining room.
Come on in and check it out.
The table is made in New Hampshire and we are already taking orders on it!
And as for the furniture polish, let's just say,
it makes spring cleaning a little happier.
If that's possible... : 0
It leaves no wax build up, and doesn't fingerprint.....in fact,
it truly enhances the natural beauty of wood.
Perfect for antiques, kitchen cabinets, stainless steel, glass, marble, appliances and more!

We call them skinny leg people.
They are two of the newest designs from folk artist, Lori Mitchell.
Lori was born and raised in Marietta, Georgia.
A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design,
Lori has always been inspired by children's themes and
literature, old illustrations and toys. Full of whimsy
and charm, her characters have won a place in the
hearts of folk art enthusiasts worldwide.
We have lots of collectors on the Brown & Hopkins Wish list
and call them whenever new pieces arrive.
Is there something that you like to collect?
Post a comment and tell us about your collections!!
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