This is just a random post......
about ordinary happenings in a day in my life.
Everyday on my drive to work, I pass this cow on the corner....
Today I decided to take her photo....
She was completely unimpressed with me...
The goats were a bit interested, but not really.
No matter what I did to get her attention,
and believe me, I whistled, I turned up my radio, I hooted, I hollered...nothing......

she just continued grazing.
Until, her owner, drove by her corral......
Until, her owner, drove by her corral......
He rolled down the window on his pick-up....
She trotted close to the fence....
He said, "Bye-bye." to her......
She actually moo'd to him.....
Loudly, several times.....
As if to say, "Hey, where ya going? I wanna go too!"
It was then that I seized the opportunity!
I walked closer, and snapped this head shot..... 

And this is where you come into the picture......
Post a comment and
Write a caption for this photo for a chance to win
a $25 Brown & Hopkins Gift Certificate!
Contest ends March 23 at 5PM
By the way,
Does anyone know if it's true that
kissing a cow is good luck?
My mom always said it was,
but I think I am all set with that......
Just wondering.
I have been clicking on this and that in your blog trying to find where you enter the contest unless it is this box. What am I doing wrong????
That is correct.....this is where you post your entry. If you do not want to sign up for a blogger name, then you may post a comment as anonymous. Just be sure to leave your first name, the initial of your last name and your town, in the event you are the winner! At the end of the contest I will post a comment letting everone know who won!!!!!
ok, I'm gonna go with the obvious here Liz......."Got Milk" ....yeah I know, I'm SOOOO creative! LOL
I'm having more fun picture you getting out of your car and taking a picture of these animals on the side of the road!! LOL
Mooo-ve along Lady, there's nothing to see here.
Oh, this is fun.....those were both good! I am looking forward to lots more entries!!!
ok lady you got the picture,now go to work!
"KISS A COW, SAVE A SERLOIN!" (maybe the kiss was meant to be good luck for the cow!!!)
I like that....LOL
I am challenging everyone.....let's get this post to at least 25 comments!!!!!!!
caturc said..."Oh Darn!!!, I hate when my mascara runs!!!
Does this cowmooflage make my butt look big??
Thanks for the mooning chuckles! Keep those comments coming!
Okay here is mine....Who me? the way I love your blog!!!
In my Robert Deniro voiceover...
You talkin' to me?
"S"...from NH!
"Honestly, can a cow catch a break around here?!"
"What?? A sale at Brown & Hopkins? I'd better get MOOOving!"
The picture looks so drab in the background.. The first thing that came to my mind that the cow would be thinking is.." Excuse me, M'am, Do you know the way to a nice salad bar?"
Linda E.
Let's mooove on over to Brown and Hopkins and see what's new.
Joan T
They strolled the lane together
The sky was studded with stars
They reached the gate together
And he lifted up the bars
She raised her brown eyes to him
There's nothing between them now
He was just the hired man
And she was a lonesome cow.zrvgeetc
Where is my Dunkin Donuts coffee?
Ok Lady..take your steak sauce and back away from the fence slowly...
You've got to be kidding!!! You've never been to Brown and Hopkins?
Brenda T.
Holy Cow, You guys are hilarious!!!! Funny must be in the air today! Keep those captions coming, and please, only leave your first name, last initial and town where you live at the end of your caption....
Don't even ask me how I got these two black was an udder catastrophe! The vet told me to take two mootrins and call him in the morning.
Kathy I Glendale
Oh, the competition is getting fierce! That was very very funny! OK, I now challenge this post to get up to 50 comments! Tell your friends!
"If I knew I was having my photo shoot today, I would have stopped at the Spa Barn and freshened up."
Karen R.
Cumberland, RI
This is so much fun, that I have decided to increase the pay out! We are going to choose two winners! The runner up will receive a $15 Gift Certificate! The B & H Staff will vote on the one that tickled our funny bone the most and then the runner up will be chosen randomly by placing all the comments in a milk bucket and picking one out!
What are you looking at lady ? Haven't you ever seen a cow.
Sue C.
March 12, 2008 4:49 PM
"Er excuse me, but I seem to have lost my way, do you know the way to Brown & Hopkins Country Store?"
Bobbie B. Woonsocket RI
March 18, 2008 11:17 AM
Howdy, pardner! Where are you going? Time for a cattle roundup so let's get moooving! Cowabunga! And by the way Sweet Cheeks I'm a cow, not a bird so please dont whistle at me, Next time you want my attention for a picture MOOOOOOOO instead! See ya'll Later!
Jerilyn Brunelle
March 19, 2008 9:37 AM
I really prefer chocolate milk! Great shopping spree this morning, next week I'll bring the girls along.
I really prefer chocolate, didn't follow the directions!
sarah k
Woodstock, CT
To Sarah K,
No problem! Looking forward to your next visit with your girls! Hope everything worked out that you purchased this morning! And thanks again for shopping at Brown & Hopkins!
"whatchoo talking about Willis"?
I think this is the perfect caption for this cow you were eagerly trying to get it's attention. Cute Cow
Paula L from Mapleville
Cute post, and I agree, she is a cute cow....I wonder what her name is? I may have to go ask someday.
I think that is a great picture, what comes to mind is; If only humans accepted the different people that pass through our lives daily like this cow does life rally could be a lot simpler too.
Aren't I "udderly" gorgeous!! So aren't the items at Brown & Hopkins, so just just moooove on over to the store.......
Joanne Jobin
And the winners are.......drumroll please....
Funniest: Kathy from Glendale for a $25 Gift Certificate
Random: Vicki S from Foster for a $15 Gift Certificate
Congrats to both!!!! Please email me at
Type "Country Cow" in the subject line and I will email you back with instructions on how to claim your gift certificate.
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