I would buy this bed!!!
I love, love, LOVE IT!!!!!!
It's just a mere $5,000...... LOL
Better start buying those tickets......
1) jennagaetz
2) nathan.fuller.ho
3) murielmarchand
4) jng200019
5) claireperry
6) jdd19
7) jchoppes
8) chikka99
9) missblue1
10) debbiefs52
11) nfalls
12) bcosta6297
Thank You to everyone who entered!
If your screen name wasn't selected,
don't fret!!!
There will lots of other giveaways
that all subscribers to the
B & H blog will be eligible for!!
Step 1) Buy a bottle of Green Goddess Dressing at B & H
Step 2) Get a piece of tin foil, pour a puddle of GG dressing on it,
plop your cod loin on it, drizzle more of the GG...
I just love shoes!
These next 3 months are going to be a whirlwind!